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The Agile Logbook

Empower people / Team growing
The entire agile team
Agile Coach / Agile Master
Foto von Jessica Lewis thepaintedsquare.


The Agile Logbook keeps track of thoughts, ideas, agreements, disagreements, ones thinking mode, something that one is happy/angry/sad about, issues, problems etc.


Informal notebook to record all kind of information.


Serves to reflect on oneself and others with the aim of improving teamwork through personal development.


A notebook that covers all kind of informal information for anlalyzing the past and the current state to elaborate actions for the future.


During the retrospective, the logbook can serve as a good mind refreshing instrument. And it helps the agile coach to continuously determine the team status and actual mood. Since the principle of lifelong learning also applies to both professional and private life, it is deemed appropriate to transfer this concept to agile project management. The logbook can also be used as a valuable memory after team members have left the project.


The agile coach/master brings up the idea to introduce an Agile Logbook to the team and explains them the aim and benefits of keeping and tracking a logbook. After commitment by the team, the Agile Logbook is placed at a visible location within the team's open space to make it available to everyone at any time.


An A4 notebook, sketchbook


As a precondition to get valuable records for the agile logbook, a certain degree of mutual trust must be given in the team. On the other hand the agile logbook promotes confidence and cooperation between the empoyees.

See also

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